Included within most of my wedding photography packages is coverage of your wedding morning preparations; this can be of just the Bride getting ready or both the Bride and Groom. Not every Bride wants to have their wedding morning captured on camera, but this blog will tell you all that you need to know when planning your perfect, stress-free wedding morning.
Where should you get ready on your wedding morning?
The first thing to think of is your choice of venue for your wedding morning. Lots of natural light means lots of light, natural images. If you want beautiful photographs of your wedding morning and you are looking to book somewhere for you and your bridal party to get ready, then keep in mind the style of the room. A great environment for morning prep is a spacious room with big windows to let in lots of light. You could even find a venue that has a similar style, theme or colours to your wedding day.
Try and keep your bridal prep room as tidy and clutter free as possible. This will not only improve your wedding morning photographs but will provide a more relaxing, stress-free environment. Finally, be mindful of whether there is adequate parking either at venue or nearby, along with considering the distance between your morning venue and your ceremony.

How long will it take you to get ready?
It can be difficult to work out how much time you will need to get ready for your wedding day. Nobody likes a mad rush in the morning, so as a general rule, allow more time than needed and ask your photographer and HMUA questions when preparing your morning schedule. Have a think about what YOU would like to do and what YOU would like to have documented on your wedding morning. You may only want photographs once you are all ready and in your dress, or you might want the whole story, starting with croissants and coffee.
When working out what time you should start getting ready on your wedding day, I would work backwards. Begin with what time you need to arrive for your ceremony and then create a list of your morning preparations all the way back to work out what time you will need to wake up. Here are some questions and tips to think about to help you work out how long it might take you to get ready.
What time do you need to leave for your wedding ceremony?
Allow an additional 5/10 mins for potential traffic, for photos of you arriving and for a bit of a breather before you walk down the aisle. Take in those feelings of excitement and nerves and a moment to prepare for what is about to come. If you would like photographs outside of your ceremony venue allow a couple minutes for that too!

Would you like photos with your bridal party?
Photographs of you and your bridesmaids and family just before you leave for your wedding ceremony can be really special; capturing the last few moments together with your loved ones before you become a Mrs! If you would like this, allow 5-10 minutes depending on how many photographs you would like.

Would you like Bridal portraits once you are in your wedding dress?
After spending all that time on getting your bridal hair and make up done, you’ll want the photographs to prove it! Make sure you schedule in some time to have a few bridal portraits taken during your wedding morning, when you’re all super fresh faced and not a strand of hair is out of place! This is also a lovely way to a few minutes to yourself after a busy morning with your girl. Allow at least 5 minutes for this.

Would you like a ‘First Look?
A ‘first look’ or ‘Bride reveal’ is traditionally when the Father of the Bride or the Brides family and bridesmaids see you all ready and in your wedding dress for the first time. This can be a very emotional time, full of excitement and also tears!

What time would you like to put your wedding dress on?
Practise getting into your wedding dress, especially if you are wearing hoop or a corset back. You may want to time how long it takes for you to get into your dress, so you are not rushing on your wedding morning. Make sure the person helping you get into your dress and wedding shoes knows what they’re doing. Also, allow a bit of time for your first look, when your family see you all ready for the first time; if you would like to.

Would you like any Bridesmaid photos in your dressing gowns?
These photos can be a lot of fun but a bit of time set aside for them will be needed. You can pop a bottle of champagne on the sofa, pose in matching gowns, give gifts or maybe even a pillow fight whilst jumping on a bed… It’s up to you!
How long will your hair and make up take?
Have a chat with your HMUA to work out how long you will need to get ready, then add on an extra 20 mins… hair and make up so often takes longer then expect, even for a professional! Always make sure you have a trial and if you are doing it yourself, allow lots of time to practise and time how long it takes. The last thing you want to be doing is rushing your eyelashes!
I’d recommend having a bite to eat and drink once your hair and make up is done before you put on your wedding dress… just to be on the safe side. Leave your lippy till last, after your wedding dress is on.

Will you be giving or receiving gifts or cards?
This can be quite an emotional part of your wedding morning, happy tears for both you and your bridal party, so I would recommend doing this earlier on rather than once all your make up is complete. You could give your parents and bridesmaids a card, a letter, or even write them a poem; just a little gift to say thank you.
This can be quite an emotional part of your wedding morning, happy tears for both you and your bridal party, so I would recommend doing this earlier on rather than once all your make up is complete. You could give your parents and bridesmaids a card, a letter, or even write them a poem; just a little gift to say thank you.
This can be quite an emotional part of your wedding morning, happy tears for both you and your bridal party, so I would recommend doing this earlier on rather then once all your make up is complete. You could give your parents and bridesmaids a card, a letter, or even write them a poem; just a little gift to say thank you.

Would you like your wedding details photographed?
Sometimes it can be nice to have photographs of your wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses hanging up and have all the intricate details of your dress documented. Along with this you may want your shoes, veil, bouquet, jewellery, invitation, bag, engagement ring and perfume photographed too. One of my brides had an antique mirror which used to be her Grandmothers that she used on her wedding morning. She loved having photographs taken with her using it as well as it with her accessories. Details can take around 20 mins to document whilst you are having your hair and make up done.

Creating your wedding morning Timeline
After thinking about what you would like including in your wedding morning, you can now work out how long it will take you to get ready by creating a timeline like the one below; starting what time your ceremony starts and working backwards.
1.30pm – Walk down the Aisle!
1.25pm – Photos before entering Ceremony
1.15pm – Bride Arrives at Ceremony
12.45pm – Bride leaves for Ceremony
12.30pm – Photographer leaves for Ceremony
12.20pm – Bridal party photos
12.10pm – Bridal portraits
12.00pm – First Look
11.45am – Get into wedding dress
11.35am – Bridal party photos in dressing gowns and champagne
11.30am – Hair and Make up Complete
11am – Open and give gifts
10.30am – Photographer arrives, photographs wedding dress & details
9.00am – Start Brides Hair & Make up
8.30am – Start Bridesmaids Hair and Make Up
8.00am – Breakfast and Bucks Fizz
7.30am – Wakey wakey Bride to be!

Thank you for reading my blog, I hope this will enable you to feel excited and confident about organising your wedding day morning. For even more Bridal preparation advice, view this blog –