Here is my Six Month Bride-to-Be guide on how to prepare for your Wedding Morning
This wedding planning guide will help you to organise and break down, step by step, all the final little details left do as a Bride-to-Be to prepare for the morning of your wedding day. Once all of your big wedding planning is complete; your venue, suppliers, food, music, dress, invitations and rings, what do you do next?
6 months before
- Once you’ve found your perfect Hair and Make Up Artist, make sure you book a trial. During this trial wear a white top/dress and your wedding jewellery so you can get a more realistic idea of what you will look like on your wedding day.
- To make your hair and make up trial even more special, you could team it up with your couples photoshoot! Not only does this mean you will look extra gorgeous in your photographs, but it also enables you to see how your make up will look on camera.

4 months before
- Don’t start any new skin regime up to 6 weeks before your wedding day… just incase the products have an adverse effect! Also, I know many of us want the sun kissed glow on our wedding day, but ideally don’t sunbath on the run up to your wedding day to avoid those pesky tan lines!
- If you are doing your own make up and buying some new products for your big day then make sure you also test these products at least 6 weeks before your wedding day.
- Have something personalised. This could be something pretty to wear for your wedding morning, matching pj’s or gown. You may want to order wooden and/or customised hangers for your wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses or personalised champagne flutes.
- Buy a pretty trinket box for your jewellery or borrow an antique from a family member.
2 months before
- Start writing any cards, letters or poems that you would like to give your bridal party, family and husband to be! Also buy any gifts that you would like to give during your wedding morning.
- Make sure you start wearing in your wedding shoes!
1-2 weeks before
- Pack an mini sewing kit with scissors and safety pins.
- Pack an emergency bag with paracetamol, blasts posters, heel stoppers, mints, hair spray, deodorant along with a make up bag for a top up later in the day.
- Pre-order your food. You’re bound to feel nervous and have butterflies but make sure you eat during your wedding morning to keep you going through until your wedding breakfast … It’s going to be a long day!
1-3 days before
- Get your nails done!!
- Remove any tags and stickers off of shoes, bags, dresses and put all of your accessories in one place ready for your photographer; shoes, perfume, garter, jewellery, invitation.
- Message your bridal party to let them know your wedding morning timings/schedule.
The night before
- Write a little note of how you are feeling. Save it until your 1st Wedding anniversary and then open it together with your husband.It will be a lovely way to remember all your feelings of excitement and anticipation.
- Hang up your wedding dress, veil and bridesmaids dresses t0 remove any creases. In the bathroom with a hot shower running for 10-15mins works well!
- Have a bath!! Pamper, pamper, pamper. All of the hard work and preps now done. Put on your favourite scented candle, music and then moisturise!
- Spray lavender on your pillow and get an early night.
Wedding Day Morning!
- Delegate a bridesmaid (or two) to tidy up throughout the morning. Keep onto of it do there is no clutter in your photographs or a massive rush when you are all about to leave.
- Drink lots of water to avoid a headache.
- Wear a strapless bra.
- Don’t skip breakfast!… even a banana is better then nothing.
- Prep space for your make up to be done. Natural light from a big window is best, along with a mirror.
- Bring a speaker to play your favourite tunes.
- If your venue doesn’t already have a full length mirror, then take one with you for your final look at your dress.
And then…
Enjoy the BEST morning ever with your favourite girls, having lots of fun, lots of pampering and lots of celebration during your last few hours before becoming a MRS!