Without a doubt, photographs of your newborn will be amongst some of your most treasured possessions. Those first few weeks are so precious and intimate yet also fleeting. We all know how quickly babies change and with all that parenthood brings, it can be so easy to forget just how tiny they were.
Whether your newborn is your first or your fifth, your tiny new addition to your family can be a little unpredictable. Therefore, it’s helpful to know what to expect during your newborn photoshoot to enable it to be a relaxing and easy experience. Within this blog I will hopefully answer all of your photoshoot questions and explain what will happen during your newborn session with me and how you can prepare for it.
When is the best time to book our newborn photoshoot?
Newborns are their sleepiest and therefore easiest to photograph within their first 10 days, though photoshoots can still be organised within their first few months. It’s best to book your photoshoot around your 20 week scan. We can then find a date during the week after your due date and pencil it into the diary. I will then make sure I have a selection of available dates either side should your baby have an early or late arrival.

Where will the newborn photoshoot happen?
Your newborn photoshoot will be held in your home so everything you will need for your newborn will be within reach. I use natural light so there is no need to set up large light stands and flashes. I love to use your home as the backdrop for your photographs, so you don’t need to make any space for a studio backdrop. My style of photography is predominantly documentary and story telling, so it’s really lovely to use different locations around your home and capture the environment where the memories of your newborn will take place. We can capture photographs in the nursery, cuddled up on the sofa and relaxing on the bed. If you would like something specific captured then do let me know!
How long will the photoshoot be?
The nature of your newborn photoshoot will very much be led by your baby. There will be lots of time to allow for soothing cuddles, feeding and most likely a couple changes of babygrows along the way. Because of this, there is no set length of time for your photoshoot however it is usually between 3-5 long hours. I will be booking out the whole day for your newborn session so there is no pressure to feel rushed.

What time will our newborn photoshoot start?
It is great to have a chat about what time you would like me to arrive. Some parents are early risers and feel their freshest first thing in the day whilst others will not be alive and kicking until 1pm. I would recommend having a think about when you and your newborn are most settled and relaxed along with keeping in mind the amount of daylight there is going to be. Winter photo sessions are best organised for around a 10am start.
Our home isn’t very big, does this matter?
I am well practised at choosing the best locations and angles within your home to make the most of the space. This usually involves being near a window to allow for as much yummy natural light as possible. I am also on hand to help clear any areas of the room if needed, though please do not feel like you need to have an immaculate show home to be able to have beautiful photographs.

What should we wear for our newborn shoot?
I usually recommend choosing a couple different outfits that complement the colours in your home. Soft, neutral, earthy tones are usually best as these avoid being too distracting in your images and are less likely to clash with other garments; along with subtle prints and patterns avoiding large stripes, spots or motifs. That being said, always wear something that you love and feel comfortable in! I would suggest having at least 3 different outfit choices for your newborn incase of any accidents and we can also capture some natural nude baby photos with wraps and blankets too. I have a selection of these that you can choose from. Should you wish to have some skin-on-skin photographs with your newborn then we can do that also.
What sort of images can we expect?
Your newborn photoshoot gallery will include a mix of images. I will take some just of your newborn, documenting all of those beautiful little details; their nose, toes, and squishy cheeks. I usually capture these on your bed using a variety of bean bags to keep your baby snuggly and safe. I will also document photos of you all together as well as individually with your newborn.

Can silblings and pets be in the photographs?
Yes, they certainly can! Photos of proud big brothers and sisters are always welcome. We can capture lots of sleepy cuddles and gentle kisses with just siblings together as well as the whole family and furry friends! It’s best if children are photographed for a section of the photoshoot and then looked after or occupied whilst you are having photos on your own with your newborn. If you have a family member or friend that can be on hand then that is great. Or alternatively, a favourite tv programme or colouring book to keep them busy.

Do you have any other tips for our photoshoot?
There are a couple of things I have learnt along the way that you may want to keep in mind on the day of your photoshoot. Try and have a feed just before I arrive so your newborn is as sleepy and hopefully as happy as possible. Try and avoid your newborn sleeping lots before the photoshoot… though I know this may not be possible! It’s a good idea to have your heating on as this will also help your newborn to feel relaxed, especially if we are taking any skin-on-skin photographs. I often bring a little speaker to play white noise in the background to help soothe your baby. Though feel free to suggest anything that you know has helped to settle your newborn before. Drink plenty of water and have snacks or an easy lunch on hand.
And finally, relax! Look forward to having this beautiful season in your life documented and treasured for many years to come!
How can we book a newborn photoshoot with you?
If you have not yet booked a newborn photography session with me but would like to and are either expecting or have just given birth then feel free to get in touch via info@aimeejoy.com or through my Contact Form. For more baby cuteness you can take a look through my Newborn Photography Portfolio and find further information about how I work and my photography Packages and Pricing.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you or seeing you for your photoshoot soon!
Much love,